Criminal Activity and Scam Alerts - Greater Cincinnati Automobile Dealers Association

Criminal Activity and Scam Alerts

Occasionally we are notified of criminal activity and/or scams in our market that can affect your dealership.  We pass these along to you and your managers quickly, via our email blast system.
Knowing that we all don’t keep everything we receive by email, we will also post and archive these alerts here on our website for your reference.
Be sure you have a protocol in place and that ALL of your employees understand the procedure to prevent your dealership from being swindled.  Also if a known criminal shows up at your dealership, DON’T CONFRONT THEM!!.  You’ll be a hero simply by calling the police.
Please contact Sandy Moeller at our West Chester office at 513-326-7100 or to report criminal activity or scams so we can alert your fellow dealer members.}

August 26th, 2013 – Key Swap Scam

August 14th, 2013 – Beware of Counterfeit $100 Bills!

July 23rd, 2013 – Fake IRS Email Alert