The Top 5 New Year’s Resolution For Your Dealership
Fisher and Phillips LLC-February 2, 2015-Link to original page
Given the hectic pace of work at dealerships, employment matters sometimes fall to the back of a dealership’s “to-do” list. Too often, the end result is expensive, embarrassing, and often unnecessary discrimination charges and lawsuits. Fortunately, employment claims and lawsuits are not an inevitable part of the dealership business. We know from experience that a dealership can reduce its exposure to employee claims by taking a few basic steps. Read More
Ask Fisher & Phillips: Our Top 10 Questions from Dealers (Part One)
Fisher and Phillips LLC-February 2, 2015-Link to original page
Our Dealership Practice Group represents thousands of dealerships all across the country, from large consolidators to regional groups to single dealerships. Because we have worked so closely with so many dealerships for so many years, we have acquired an in-depth understanding of dealership operations as well as a wealth of practical experience in dealing with dealers’ unique labor and employment issues. In the next few editions of “Ask Fisher & Phillips,” we will provide answers to the top ten questions we’ve received from dealers over the last year. These questions are not unique to any one dealership or to the year 2014. We hope that by providing this information, your dealership will be better equipped to manage employees in 2015 and improve your Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI) score for the new year. Read More